Sunday, June 20, 2010

In The Beginning

Greetings and salutations! This is the first of many posts that I will be displaying on my new site. It is time to "unplug" myself and let my hair down (what little of it that is on my head!) Some of you may have questions as to why I decided to start this.

Q: What got you started?

A: I was looking to write a little more than just a reply on The Huffington Post. The article, written by entrepreneur Russell Simmons dealt with an amendment that Congress was considering passing that would pass the fees associated with small debit card purchases to the consumer rather than the business absorbing this cost. The business, in turn could either accept or refuse debit card payments for under the targeted amount and/or reward customers for using cash or credit for these purchases. I will go further into detail about this later, but this is how I got started with this blog.

Q: What else?

A: Well, I had a life-changing event that occurred on June 7th...that's for another post. To be continued.

Q: What do you plan to cover on this blog?

A: Everything! Well, everything that pops in my head, that is. Hence the name Mark Unplugged. You see, I consider myself a creative person, but lately, my creative juices have been reduced to a trickle and I don't like that.

So kick back, relax, get ready to smile, laugh, cry, and by all means, comment!

This Just In: On, my brother, Mo is #1 in the adult contemporary music category! Go Mo! Check out this site if you like music. BTW Mo will be appearing tomorrow on the streets of NYC playing some of his original tunes and some you may know well. I am going to go down and lend my support. He will be at the Dana Discovery Center Plaza at Central Park (West 110th St and Malcom X Blvd) 12 sharp! I will film and post to this site as well as YouTube.

For more information, visit

Speaking of music, I'm making it a point to start creating some of my own in the not too distant future. Look out for pix of blisters on my fingers!

Favorite Things, Places, Spaces Today:Ever Increasing Faith, Oven Fried Chicken, Black Eyed Peas (not the group), the Yonkers Waterfront, Zoxsy

Fathers Day: Happy Fathers day to all the fathers out there. I did not grow up knowing my father and to the best of my knowledge, never laid eyes on him, which makes me sad. I mean, don't you think that I should have the opportunity to celebrate this day like others do? It's not like I'm the only one that has this dilemma. There are millions of children of deadbeat dads that don't exactly know what to do on Fathers Day. In reality my mom, Ida Cobb was both my mother and my father and I must say, she did a damn good job (although she would most likely slap me for saying "damn"). We lost her in 1995 but she is never too far from my thoughts. Thank you mom for everything you did for me.

Back to the deadbeat dads...I have a solution on how we can celebrate the holiday...have our own holiday! The name of the new holiday is...Baby Daddy Day! Baby Daddy Day would be celebrated on the Monday after Fathers Day, because baby daddy doesn't deserve to have a day off to celebrate! Baby daddy needs to go to work! Appropriate gifts for baby daddy would be a gift certificate for one free cup of coffee at Dunkin' Doughnuts, but no doughnut! How about batteries for the digital camera you didn't get him? How about a t-shirt with nothing on it? Or #1 on the front and #2 on the back! And nothing says happy Baby Daddy Day like a framed picture of you and your mom smiling and holding his bounced check!

Let's not forget about the card: "The roses died, the skies are grey, it must be Baby Daddy Day!"

Or: "The lights are turned off and mom's a wreck because you bounced another check!"

Let's make this happen America! Next year, let's celebrate Baby Daddy Day!


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