Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I've been reading a lot over the past year or more about the benefits of antioxidants. I recently came across an article on the Huffington Post regarding how they fight free radicals and slow down the process of aging. In addition, one poster added a link about 40 top antioxidants that I'm going to post here. I was a little surprised that not listed was my favorite one: kale. Oh well. Make that number 41...

What do you think? Any other super foods?

In addition, I am adding this article/list which has Kale!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tyrannosaurus Rex: Spelled J-E-T-S!

He comes off as a cross between Tom Arnold and Chris Farley with a touch of Biff from "Back To The Future" thrown in for good measure. Love him or hate him, if you play for Rex Ryan, you'll run through a wall for him. On Sunday, at around 10pm eastern time, all of New York and the Tri-State area may run through a wall for him as well. Why? Because the New York Jets need just one victory to get them to a place they haven't been to since 1969. That would be to the promised land and the quest for that testosterone Holy Grail known as the Lombardi Trophy and victory in the Super Bowl. This is like the '69 Mets and the '94 Rangers all over again. Starving franchises and loyal fans hungry for a Championship. Will it happen? Is this finally the year?

Two years in a row now Ryan has molded and motivated his New York Jets to the AFC Championship game, a place they have only reached two other times prior to his hiring as chief cook and bottle washer. He wouldn't have it any other way. These aren't the "same old Jets". These are his Jets with his stamp on the team. BELIEVE, says the wooden block sign that adorns the desk of his office. "Play like a Jet" is his mantra to his team. Not a throwback to disappointing days gone by, but something to be proud of, a badge of honor if you will.

Mark Sanchez, maturing right before our eyes, is displaying the type of leadership skills in the huddle seemingly reserved for the likes of Brady, Manning (Payton), and Rothlisberger. The task seemed insurmountable, to beat this storied Mount Rushmore trifecta of quarterbacks. But in this season, which started out with the spotlight dead on the Jets from pre-season (Hard Knocks) to the ultimate and somewhat surprising defeat of Belechick and Brady and the ghost of Patriots Past, all Sanchez has to do is beat Big Ben and the Steel Curtain once again for all hell to break loose in the Big Apple.

The team is peaking at the right time, just as Rex told you so, all season long. It's he that calls it the tournament, not the playoffs, conjuring up visions of the NCAA's Final Four. The excitement and confidence he brings to the table is just what the doctor ordered for this franchise and this city. No one roots for the underdog harder than New York fans. You can look it up. Second class citizens no more, New York is ready and waiting to embrace Rex's Jets.

The wait is almost over. The clock is ticking down to kickoff. If last weeks ratings are any indicator, the nation will be watching Jets-Steelers. As T.O. says, bring your popcorn. If the Jets win, Rex may as well be Godzilla, having destroyed each AFC team within his sight during these playoffs. My popcorn is ready.

Prediction: Jets lose! Well, not really. However the past two weeks I have picked them to lose and they've won, so why mess up a good thing?

P.S. If the Jets win, I'm lobbying H.B.O. to replay the entire "Hard Knocks" series leading up to the Super Bowl. I'll bet you in New York, it just may beat out all of the boring pre-game hoopla that most never watch. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Get it Right Mr. President

There is outrage in the world of politics tonight. Outrage in the world of media as well. Who could imagine that the first few paragraphs of an article in the current issue of Rolling Stone Magazine would/could change the face of a war. That is the decision that weighs hard and heavy on President Barak Obama as he prepares to meet with his head man in Afghanastan, General Stanley McChrystal. The main topic of discussion: The public dissing of the Commander-In-Chief in newsprint, saying that he found Obama "uncomfortable and intimidated" upon first meeting with McChrystal and a bevy of military hard-hitters. In addition, a reference to Vice President Joe Biden as Joe "bite me" by the General's chief-of-staff, referring to having dinner in Paris with a French minister as "fucking gay", and an overall disdain for all things authoritative and dignified unless created by said General.

The schrapnel that is the Rolling Stone piece has already caused some serious collateral damage. The future of the direction of the war will be decided tomorrow should the President decide to accept or not accept the General's resignation. Counterinsurgency, a.k.a. COIN has McChrystal's mark all over it in Afghanastan in the same fashion as a dog marking a tree.

Should Obama can the General does he also can the COIN? Is it worth it to virtually scrap current policy in this greatly fractured region of the world and start from scratch AGAIN?Is the criticism from both the left and the right worth it just to save face? Can the American taxpayer stand to watch as Congress allots additional billions and trillions of dollars to a war that seems to have no direction, not to mention a definitive plan for an outcome?

Should Obama keep the General in charge, what might the collateral damage be then? The President perceived to be weak, thus confirming McChrystal's "intimidated" theory? The pundits to speculate openly about who is really in charge of this war? The left and the right pointing fingers at each other? All of the above and more?

This is what I suggest the President and all Americans do: Read the article ("The Runaway General"). Read the whole thing, not just the infalmmatory parts pertaining to the Administration. Pay attention to what the reporter, Michael Hastings learns, observes, and reports. Pay attention to how America is going about fighting this war, how our allies are throwing up their hands in disgust, how our fighting men have become frustrated and angry over how this current doctrine forces them to do battle with one hand virtually tied behind their backs in order to minimize casualties. Pay attention to the loss of life incurred by our troops because of said doctrine.

General McChrystal is no angel, but he's not the devil either. This is war and war is hell. The rules of engagement have changed, but it is war nontheless. Tomorrow the world will find out just how much our President can stomach. Tomorrow may be the day that changes the face of a war. And the shape of a presidency.

Read the whole thing before you form an opinion.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

In The Beginning

Greetings and salutations! This is the first of many posts that I will be displaying on my new site. It is time to "unplug" myself and let my hair down (what little of it that is on my head!) Some of you may have questions as to why I decided to start this.

Q: What got you started?

A: I was looking to write a little more than just a reply on The Huffington Post. The article, written by entrepreneur Russell Simmons dealt with an amendment that Congress was considering passing that would pass the fees associated with small debit card purchases to the consumer rather than the business absorbing this cost. The business, in turn could either accept or refuse debit card payments for under the targeted amount and/or reward customers for using cash or credit for these purchases. I will go further into detail about this later, but this is how I got started with this blog.

Q: What else?

A: Well, I had a life-changing event that occurred on June 7th...that's for another post. To be continued.

Q: What do you plan to cover on this blog?

A: Everything! Well, everything that pops in my head, that is. Hence the name Mark Unplugged. You see, I consider myself a creative person, but lately, my creative juices have been reduced to a trickle and I don't like that.

So kick back, relax, get ready to smile, laugh, cry, and by all means, comment!

This Just In: On, my brother, Mo is #1 in the adult contemporary music category! Go Mo! Check out this site if you like music. BTW Mo will be appearing tomorrow on the streets of NYC playing some of his original tunes and some you may know well. I am going to go down and lend my support. He will be at the Dana Discovery Center Plaza at Central Park (West 110th St and Malcom X Blvd) 12 sharp! I will film and post to this site as well as YouTube.

For more information, visit

Speaking of music, I'm making it a point to start creating some of my own in the not too distant future. Look out for pix of blisters on my fingers!

Favorite Things, Places, Spaces Today:Ever Increasing Faith, Oven Fried Chicken, Black Eyed Peas (not the group), the Yonkers Waterfront, Zoxsy

Fathers Day: Happy Fathers day to all the fathers out there. I did not grow up knowing my father and to the best of my knowledge, never laid eyes on him, which makes me sad. I mean, don't you think that I should have the opportunity to celebrate this day like others do? It's not like I'm the only one that has this dilemma. There are millions of children of deadbeat dads that don't exactly know what to do on Fathers Day. In reality my mom, Ida Cobb was both my mother and my father and I must say, she did a damn good job (although she would most likely slap me for saying "damn"). We lost her in 1995 but she is never too far from my thoughts. Thank you mom for everything you did for me.

Back to the deadbeat dads...I have a solution on how we can celebrate the holiday...have our own holiday! The name of the new holiday is...Baby Daddy Day! Baby Daddy Day would be celebrated on the Monday after Fathers Day, because baby daddy doesn't deserve to have a day off to celebrate! Baby daddy needs to go to work! Appropriate gifts for baby daddy would be a gift certificate for one free cup of coffee at Dunkin' Doughnuts, but no doughnut! How about batteries for the digital camera you didn't get him? How about a t-shirt with nothing on it? Or #1 on the front and #2 on the back! And nothing says happy Baby Daddy Day like a framed picture of you and your mom smiling and holding his bounced check!

Let's not forget about the card: "The roses died, the skies are grey, it must be Baby Daddy Day!"

Or: "The lights are turned off and mom's a wreck because you bounced another check!"

Let's make this happen America! Next year, let's celebrate Baby Daddy Day!
